Jan. 13th Metro Council Hearing

On Monday, January 13, Metro Councilors will hear from the public (you!) about which projects to include in the T2020 Transportation Measure, which will likely be referred to the ballot for a vote in November 2020. A T2020 Task Force recommended a slate of projects that includes many projects to improve safety, accessibility, and affordability by prioritizing investments that support communities of color, supporting clean air, clean water, and healthy ecosystems, and increasing access to opportunity for low-income Oregonians, many of which The Coalition supports.
We have an opportunity to take a big step forward in the Portland Metro region on equitable, safe, affordable, and climate-smart transportation investments. Between the first draft of the measure and its current form, the Coalition has secured substantial wins for everyday Oregonians: a 43% increase in safety project funding that will make our communities a safer place to bike, walk, and ride transit, a 193% increase in public transportation improvements projects beyond the SW Corridor MAX Line, which will help folks beat congestion and get where they need to go faster, and 32% less planning dollars and 48% more construction dollars meaning more dollars are coming to projects needed now to improve transit access, safety, affordability, and climate resilience.
We Need Your Voice | What to Say and Ways to Make Yourself Heard
Metro Councilors need to hear from you about the investments that are important to you and your community, and how they will make a difference to your safety, accessibility, and affordability when you travel to school, to work, and in your community. Based on what they hear from the public, Councilors may decide to include or exclude some of the projects recommended to them by the T2020 Task Force.
Metro Council Public Hearing | Metro 600 NE Grand, Portland | Monday, January 13, 2020 | 6-9 pm
Show up from 5:30 pm and stand with the GTT Coalition in support of projects and programs in T2020:
- Support regional programs: A comprehensive T2020 package must include Regional YouthPass For All
- Support transit: Enhanced transit investments on all funded corridors
- Support safety & accessibility: Increased funding for safety improvements on 82nd Ave, TV Hwy, McLoughlin & Powell; safety & accessibility investments on 122nd, 162nd, and 181st, SW 185th, and Canyon Rd; Central City improvements; Hwy 212 safety improvements
- Support racial equity: Albina Vision (and 82nd, TV Hwy, Powell, McLoughlin)
- Support trails: Trolley Trail Bridge, Council Creek Trail
- Tell your/your community’s story: tell Metro Council about your experience on these streets and why a project will help your community
RSVP for updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/439836206926715/
Can’t make it in person on the 13th? Send an email to Metro Council.
Read the Coalition’s Written Comments for the Public Hearing.